C file input/output — C Standard Library Data types Character classification Strings Mathematics File input/output Date/time Localiza … Wikipedia
Current differencing buffered amplifier — Block diagram of the CDBA A current differencing buffered amplifier (CDBA) is a multi terminal active component with two inputs and two outputs and developed by Cevdet Acar and Serdar Özoğuz. Its block diagram can be seen from the figure. It is… … Wikipedia
буферизованный ввод-вывод — Основан на использовании буферов (буферных регистров, областей) для временного размещения данных. [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN buffered… … Справочник технического переводчика
Head-of-line blocking — (HOL) is a phenomenon that appears in buffered telecommunication network switches. A switch is usually made of buffered input ports, a switch fabric and buffered output ports. Because of the FIFO nature of the input buffers and switch design, the … Wikipedia
iostream — C++ Standard Library fstream iomanip ios iostream sstream string … Wikipedia
Stdio.h — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda stdio.h, que significa standard input output header (cabecera estandar E/S), es la biblioteca estándar del lenguaje de programación C, el archivo de cabecera que contiene las definiciones de macros, las constantes,… … Wikipedia Español
stdio.h — stdio.h, que significa standard input output header (cabecera estandar E/S), es la biblioteca estándar del lenguaje de programación C, el archivo de cabecera que contiene las definiciones de macros, las constantes, las declaraciones de funciones… … Wikipedia Español
Differential amplifier — symbol The inverting and non inverting inputs are distinguished by − and + symbols (respectively) placed in the amplifier triangle. Vs+ and Vs− are the power supply voltages; they are often omitted from the diagram for simplicity, but of course… … Wikipedia
Stdio.h — Стандартная библиотека языка программирования С assert.h complex.h ctype.h errno.h fenv.h float.h inttypes.h iso646.h limits.h locale.h math.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h stdbool.h stddef.h stdint.h stdio.h stdlib.h … Википедия
stdio.h — Стандартная библиотека языка программирования С assert.h complex.h ctype.h errno.h fenv.h float.h inttypes.h iso646.h limits.h locale.h math.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h stdbool.h stddef.h … Википедия
Standard streams — In Unix and Unix like operating systems, as well as certain programming language interfaces, the standard streams are preconnected input and output channels between a computer program and its environment (typically a text terminal) when it begins … Wikipedia